Why it’s better to get your hair coloured in a salon than at home

Apr 20, 2017Uncategorized

Every single woman of a certain age has a hair colouring horror story to share. It can range from the minor (staining the bathroom sink) to the serious (having an allergic reaction). You might have chalked this up to inexperience, using an inferior quality product or simply not following instructions.

These days, hair colour kits offer results beyond the standard blonde, brunette or red. You get kits offering expert highlights, rainbow colours and even complicated looking ombré effects. At a fraction of the price of getting the same effect in a salon, we can’t blame you for wanting to choose this option. But before you bring that colourant home, you should be aware of exactly why you’re better off leaving it in expert hands.

The first thing to note is that hair colour for home use is literally made to be ‘one type suits all’ – which means that it’s been created and then tweaked to provide the best possible result on every hair colour. And that’s not even taking into account how thick your hair is, its texture and your skin tone. Then there’s the underlying pigment in each hair strand if you have any greys and how porous your hair is. All these factors will impact on what the final colour will look like and even how long it will last. There is simply no way a broad use box of hair colour can take into account all these factors.

When you get your hair coloured by a salon, they will take all these factors into consideration, and custom mix something for you on the spot that is customised to you.

At Wieselmann Hair Salon, we see at least one client every day looking to get a corrective colour service to undo the damage of a home colour attempt. We recommend saving yourself time, money and hair damage by coming to us in the first place for assistance. And if you need any further proof, just take a look at any one of the dozens of Victoria residents who step out of our salons on a daily basis looking like a million dollars.


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